Source code for smiter.synthetic_mzml

"""Main module."""
import io
import pathlib
import time
import warnings
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from collections import Counter

import numpy as np
import pyqms
import scipy as sci
from intervaltree import IntervalTree
from loguru import logger
from psims.mzml import MzMLWriter
from tqdm import tqdm

import smiter
from smiter.fragmentation_functions import AbstractFragmentor
from smiter.lib import (
from smiter.noise_functions import AbstractNoiseInjector
from smiter.peak_distribution import distributions


[docs]class Scan(dict): """Summary.""" def __init__(self, data: dict = None): """Summary. Args: dict (TYPE): Description """ if data is not None: self.update(data) @property def mz(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("mz", None) return v @mz.setter def mz(self, mz): """Summary.""" self["mz"] = mz @property def i(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("i", None) return v @i.setter def i(self, i): """Summary.""" self["i"] = i @property def id(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("id", None) return v @property def precursor_mz(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("precursor_mz", None) return v @property def precursor_i(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("precursor_i", None) return v @property def precursor_charge(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("precursor_charge", None) return v # @property # def precursor_scan_id(self): # """Summary.""" # v = self.get("precursor_scan_id", None) # return v @property def retention_time(self): """Summary.""" v = self.get("rt", None) return v @property def ms_level(self): """Summary. Returns: TYPE: Description """ v = self.get("ms_level", None) return v
[docs]def generate_interval_tree(peak_properties): """Conctruct an interval tree containing the elution windows of the analytes. Args: peak_properties (dict): Description Returns: IntervalTree: Description """ tree = IntervalTree() for key, data in peak_properties.items(): start = data["scan_start_time"] end = start + data["peak_width"] tree[start:end] = key return tree
# @profile
[docs]def write_mzml( file: Union[str, io.TextIOWrapper], peak_properties: Dict[str, dict], fragmentor: AbstractFragmentor, noise_injector: AbstractNoiseInjector, mzml_params: Dict[str, Union[int, float, str]], ) -> str: """Write mzML file with chromatographic peaks and fragment spectra for the given molecules. Args: file (Union[str, io.TextIOWrapper]): Description molecules (List[str]): Description fragmentation_function (Callable[[str], List[Tuple[float, float]]], optional): Description peak_properties (Dict[str, dict], optional): Description """ # check params and raise Exception(s) if necessary"Start generating mzML") mzml_params = check_mzml_params(mzml_params) peak_properties = check_peak_properties(peak_properties) interval_tree = generate_interval_tree(peak_properties) filename = file if isinstance(file, str) else scans = [] trivial_names = {} charges = set() for key, val in peak_properties.items(): trivial_names[val["chemical_formula"]] = key charges.add(val["charge"]) # trivial_names = { # val["chemical_formula"]: key for key, val in peak_properties.items() # } # dicts are sorted, language specification since python 3.7+ isotopologue_lib = generate_molecule_isotopologue_lib( peak_properties, trivial_names=trivial_names, charges=charges ) scans, scan_dict = generate_scans( isotopologue_lib, peak_properties, interval_tree, fragmentor, noise_injector, mzml_params, )"Delete interval tree") del interval_tree write_scans(file, scans) if not isinstance(file, str): file_path = else: file_path = file path = pathlib.Path(file_path) summary_path = path.parent.resolve() / "molecule_summary.csv" peak_properties_to_csv(peak_properties, summary_path) return filename
# @profile
[docs]def rescale_intensity( i: float, rt: float, molecule: str, peak_properties: dict, isotopologue_lib: dict ): """Rescale intensity value for a given molecule according to scale factor and distribution function. Args: i (TYPE): Description rt (TYPE): Description molecule (TYPE): Description peak_properties (TYPE): Description isotopologue_lib (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ scale_func = peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_function"] rt_max = ( peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["scan_start_time"] + peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_width"] ) if scale_func == "gauss": mu = ( peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["scan_start_time"] + 0.5 * peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_width"] ) dist_scale_factor = distributions[scale_func]( rt, mu=mu, sigma=peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_params"].get( "sigma", peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_width"] / 10 ), ) elif scale_func == "gamma": dist_scale_factor = distributions[scale_func]( rt, a=peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_params"]["a"], scale=peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_params"]["scale"], ) elif scale_func == "gauss_tail": mu = ( peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["scan_start_time"] + 0.3 * peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["peak_width"] ) dist_scale_factor = distributions[scale_func]( rt, mu=mu, sigma=0.12 * (rt - peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["scan_start_time"]) + 2, scan_start_time=peak_properties[f"{molecule}"]["scan_start_time"], ) elif scale_func is None: dist_scale_factor = 1 # TODO use ionization_effiency here i *= ( dist_scale_factor * peak_properties[f"{molecule}"].get("peak_scaling_factor", 1e3) * peak_properties[f"{molecule}"].get("ionization_effiency", 1) ) return i
[docs]def generate_scans( isotopologue_lib: dict, peak_properties: dict, interval_tree: IntervalTree, fragmentor: AbstractFragmentor, noise_injector: AbstractNoiseInjector, mzml_params: dict, ): """Summary. Args: isotopologue_lib (TYPE): Description peak_properties (TYPE): Description fragmentation_function (A): Description mzml_params (TYPE): Description """"Initialize chimeric spectra counter") chimeric_count = 0 chimeric = Counter()"Start generating scans") t0 = time.time() gradient_length = mzml_params["gradient_length"] ms_rt_diff = mzml_params.get("ms_rt_diff", 0.03) t: float = 0 mol_scan_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, list]] = {} scans: List[Tuple[Scan, List[Scan]]] = [] # i: int = 0 spec_id: int = 1 de_tracker: Dict[str, int] = {} de_stats: dict = {} mol_scan_dict = { mol: {"ms1_scans": [], "ms2_scans": []} for mol in isotopologue_lib } molecules = list(isotopologue_lib.keys()) progress_bar = tqdm( total=gradient_length, desc="Generating scans", bar_format="{desc}: {percentage:3.0f}%|{bar}| {n:.2f}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}", ) while t < gradient_length: scan_peaks: List[Tuple[float, float]] = [] scan_peaks = {} mol_i = [] mol_monoisotopic = {} candidates = # print(len(candidates)) for mol in candidates: # if len(candidates) > 1: mol = mol_plus = f"{mol}" mz = np.array(isotopologue_lib[mol]["mz"]) intensity = np.array(isotopologue_lib[mol]["i"]) intensity = rescale_intensity( intensity, t, mol, peak_properties, isotopologue_lib ) mask = intensity > mzml_params["min_intensity"] intensity = intensity[mask] # clip max intensity intensity = np.clip( intensity, a_min=None, a_max=mzml_params.get("max_intensity", 1e10) ) mz = mz[mask] mol_peaks = list(zip(mz, intensity)) mol_peaks = {round(mz, 6): _i for mz, _i in list(zip(mz, intensity))} # !FIXED! multiple molecules which share mz should have summed up intensityies for that shared mzs if len(mol_peaks) > 0: mol_i.append((mol, mz[0], sum(intensity))) # scan_peaks.extend(mol_peaks) for mz, intensity in mol_peaks.items(): if mz in scan_peaks: scan_peaks[mz] += intensity else: scan_peaks[mz] = intensity mol_scan_dict[mol]["ms1_scans"].append(spec_id) highest_peak = max(mol_peaks.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) mol_monoisotopic[mol] = { "mz": highest_peak[0], "i": highest_peak[1], } scan_peaks = sorted(list(scan_peaks.items()), key=lambda x: x[1]) if len(scan_peaks) > 0: mz, inten = zip(*scan_peaks) else: mz, inten = [], [] s = Scan( { "mz": np.array(mz), "i": np.array(inten), "id": spec_id, "rt": t, "ms_level": 1, } ) prec_scan_id = spec_id spec_id += 1 sorting = =[sorting] s.i = s.i[sorting] # add noise s = noise_injector.inject_noise(s) # i += 1 scans.append((s, [])) t += ms_rt_diff progress_bar.update(ms_rt_diff) if t > gradient_length: break fragment_spec_index = 0 max_ms2_spectra = mzml_params.get("max_ms2_spectra", 10) if len(mol_i) < max_ms2_spectra: max_ms2_spectra = len(mol_i) ms2_scan = None mol_i = sorted(mol_i, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) logger.debug(f"All molecules eluting: {len(mol_i)}") logger.debug(f"currently # fragment spectra {len(scans[-1][1])}") mol_i = [ mol for mol in mol_i if (de_tracker.get(mol[0], None) is None) or (t - de_tracker[mol[0]]) > mzml_params["dynamic_exclusion"] ] logger.debug(f"All molecules eluting after DE filtering: {len(mol_i)}") while len(scans[-1][1]) != max_ms2_spectra: logger.debug(f"Frag spec index {fragment_spec_index}") if fragment_spec_index > len(mol_i) - 1: # we evaluated fragmentation for every potential mol # and all will be skipped logger.debug(f"All possible mol are skipped due to DE") break mol = mol_i[fragment_spec_index][0] _mz = mol_i[fragment_spec_index][1] _intensity = mol_i[fragment_spec_index][2] fragment_spec_index += 1 mol_plus = f"{mol}" all_mols_in_mz_and_rt_window = [ for mol in candidates if ( abs(isotopologue_lib[]["mz"][0] - _mz) < mzml_params["isolation_window_width"] ) ] if len(all_mols_in_mz_and_rt_window) > 1: chimeric_count += 1 chimeric[len(all_mols_in_mz_and_rt_window)] += 1 if mol is None: # dont add empty MS2 scans but have just a much scans as precursors breakpoint() ms2_scan = Scan( { "mz": np.array([]), "i": np.array([]), "rt": t, "id": spec_id, "precursor_mz": 0, "precursor_i": 0, "precursor_charge": 1, "precursor_scan_id": prec_scan_id, "ms_level": 2, } ) spec_id += 1 t += ms_rt_diff progress_bar.update(ms_rt_diff) if t > gradient_length: break elif (peak_properties[mol_plus]["scan_start_time"] <= t) and ( ( peak_properties[mol_plus]["scan_start_time"] + peak_properties[mol_plus]["peak_width"] ) >= t ): # fragment all molecules in isolation and rt window # check if molecule needs to be fragmented according to dynamic_exclusion rule if ( de_tracker.get(mol, None) is None or (t - de_tracker[mol]) > mzml_params["dynamic_exclusion"] ): logger.debug("Generate Fragment spec") de_tracker[mol] = t if mol not in de_stats: de_stats[mol] = {"frag_events": 0, "frag_spec_ids": []} de_stats[mol]["frag_events"] += 1 de_stats[mol]["frag_spec_ids"].append(spec_id) peaks = fragmentor.fragment(all_mols_in_mz_and_rt_window) frag_mz = peaks[:, 0] frag_i = peaks[:, 1] ms2_scan = Scan( { "mz": frag_mz, "i": frag_i, "rt": t, "id": spec_id, "precursor_mz": mol_monoisotopic[mol]["mz"], "precursor_i": mol_monoisotopic[mol]["i"], "precursor_charge": peak_properties[mol]["charge"], "precursor_scan_id": prec_scan_id, "ms_level": 2, } ) spec_id += 1 ms2_scan.i = rescale_intensity( ms2_scan.i, t, mol, peak_properties, isotopologue_lib ) ms2_scan = noise_injector.inject_noise(ms2_scan) ms2_scan.i *= 0.5 else: logger.debug(f"Skip {mol} due to dynamic exclusion") continue t += ms_rt_diff progress_bar.update(ms_rt_diff) if t > gradient_length: break else: logger.debug(f"Skip {mol} since not in RT window") continue if mol is not None: mol_scan_dict[mol]["ms2_scans"].append(spec_id) if ms2_scan is None: # there are molecules in mol_i # however all molecules are excluded from fragmentation_function # => Don't do a scan and break the while loop # => We should rather continue and try to fragment the next mol! logger.debug(f"Continue and fragment next mol since MS2 scan is None") continue if ( len( > -1 ): # TODO -1 to also add empty ms2 specs; 0 breaks tests currently .... sorting = =[sorting] ms2_scan.i = ms2_scan.i[sorting] logger.debug(f"Append MS2 scan with {mol}") scans[-1][1].append(ms2_scan) progress_bar.close() t1 = time.time()"Finished generating scans")"Generating scans took {t1-t0:.2f} seconds")"Found {chimeric_count} chimeric scans") return scans, mol_scan_dict
# @profile
[docs]def generate_molecule_isotopologue_lib( peak_properties: Dict[str, dict], charges: List[int] = None, trivial_names: Dict[str, str] = None, ): """Summary. Args: molecules (TYPE): Description """"Generate Isotopolgue Library") start = time.time() duplicate_formulas: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} for key in peak_properties: duplicate_formulas.setdefault( peak_properties[key]["chemical_formula"], [] ).append(key) if charges is None: charges = [1] if len(peak_properties) > 0: molecules = [d["chemical_formula"] for d in peak_properties.values()] lib = pyqms.IsotopologueLibrary( molecules=molecules, charges=charges, verbose=False, trivial_names=trivial_names, ) reduced_lib = {} # TODO fix to support multiple charge states for mol in molecules: formula = lib.lookup["molecule to formula"][mol] data = lib[formula]["env"][(("N", "0.000"),)] for triv in lib.lookup["formula to trivial name"][formula]: reduced_lib[triv] = { "mz": data[peak_properties[triv]["charge"]]["mz"], "i": data["relabun"], } else: reduced_lib = {} tmp = {} for mol in reduced_lib: cc = peak_properties[mol]["chemical_formula"] for triv in duplicate_formulas[cc]: if triv not in reduced_lib: tmp[triv] = reduced_lib[mol] reduced_lib.update(tmp) f"Generating IsotopologueLibrary took {(time.time() - start)/60} minutes" ) return reduced_lib
# @profile
[docs]def write_scans( file: Union[str, io.TextIOWrapper], scans: List[Tuple[Scan, List[Scan]]] ) -> None: """Generate given scans to mzML file. Args: file (Union[str, io.TextIOWrapper]): Description scans (List[Tuple[Scan, List[Scan]]]): Description Returns: None: Description """ t0 = time.time()"Start writing Scans") ms1_scans = len(scans) ms2_scans = 0 ms2_scan_list = [] for s in scans: ms2_scans += len(s[1]) ms2_scan_list.append(len(s[1]))"Write {0} MS1 and {1} MS2 scans".format(ms1_scans, ms2_scans)) id_format_str = "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan={i}" with MzMLWriter(file) as writer: # Add default controlled vocabularies writer.controlled_vocabularies() writer.format() # Open the run and spectrum list sections time_array = [] intensity_array = [] with"Simulated Run"): spectrum_count = len(scans) + sum([len(products) for _, products in scans]) with writer.spectrum_list(count=spectrum_count): for scan, products in scans: # Write Precursor scan try: index_of_max_i = np.argmax(scan.i) max_i = scan.i[index_of_max_i] mz_at_max_i =[index_of_max_i] except ValueError: mz_at_max_i = 0 max_i = 0 spec_tic = sum(scan.i) writer.write_spectrum(, scan.i, id=id_format_str.format(, params=[ "MS1 Spectrum", {"ms level": 1}, { "scan start time": scan.retention_time, "unit_name": "seconds", }, {"total ion current": spec_tic}, {"base peak m/z": mz_at_max_i, "unitName": "m/z"}, { "base peak intensity": max_i, "unitName": "number of detector counts", }, ], ) time_array.append(scan.retention_time) intensity_array.append(spec_tic) # Write MSn scans for prod in products: writer.write_spectrum(, prod.i, id=id_format_str.format(, params=[ "MSn Spectrum", {"ms level": 2}, { "scan start time": prod.retention_time, "unit_name": "seconds", }, {"total ion current": sum(prod.i)}, ], precursor_information={ "mz": prod.precursor_mz, "intensity": prod.precursor_i, "charge": prod.precursor_charge, "scan_id": id_format_str.format(, "spectrum_reference": id_format_str.format(, "activation": ["HCD", {"collision energy": 25.0}], }, ) with writer.chromatogram_list(count=1): writer.write_chromatogram( time_array, intensity_array, id="TIC", chromatogram_type="total ion current", ) t1 = time.time()"Writing mzML took {(t1-t0)/60:.2f} minutes") return